People compares. I compare. Everyone compares. Yes, we always compare ourselves with others. It is to gauge the value of oneself. How would we know, if we do not benchmark our capabilities with others.

Comparing is good. By benchmarking we know what are the gaps, and we might try hard to close it so that we are at par with others. Once we reach that level or supass it, we will be very satisfied and confident. On the other hand, when we realise we are better than others, we will feel great and will have high self-esteem. In addition to that, we will be thankful to God for giving us those bounties and blessings.

Comparing is bad as well. By realising that we are less than others, we might go lower. We will reduce our self-esteem. We will feel useless. We will think that we are worthless. We will become less spirited. This kind of attitude exists in most of us. Some of us even nurtured this way. Mums and dads who compared their children one to another will create low self-esteem adults in the future.

We must not let ourself down. We are unique. We have strength and weaknesses. We must appreciate for what we have. We must try to improve of what we lack of. Allah created us fairly.

We are human ... after all. Well, hope I get some self-esteem after this, ne?


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