Yesterday I kept on downloading programs for the robot. The download process seems to be failing most of the time. I do not know what was the reason. It might be the dos prompt that was malfunctioning. Dos prompt? OK ... here some explanation:

dos prompt is somehow like the old dos system ( you know, the black screen where we can type command on it ). In windows 9x and Me, we can access to this by typing 'command' in Run... from the start button. In windows XP and 2000, we can access it either by typing cmd or command. Old computer whiz like to use this black screen as it allows you to do some of hidden windows secrets :)

Why it seems that I got no much mood to do work. Maleh betul lak rasanya. Takleh malas camni. Islam tak ajar untuk bermalas malasan. Kan ada doa tu ... ' Ya Allah jauhilah kami dari lemah dan malas' ...

Okey! Ganbaremasu ! Mada mada desu!


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