Hari semalam masak sushi :) Alhamdulillah, berjaya buat walaupun cam tak berapa menjadi.

Here are the ingredients : rice,crabmeat,seaweed,salt and vinegar.

Cooking method:
1. cook the rice. cool it when it is done
2. put the seaweed on the sushi mat
3. put rice on the seaweed. Then put the crabmeat at one end of the seaweed
4. Roll the mat.
5. Cut the rolled sushi to get smaller sushi. You can have a long sushi if you don't cut it :)

Well, it took 40 minutes to prepare it. Pretty quick ... he he ...

Why we eat? For luxury? Untuk hilangkan lapar? For our stomach? Well.... we always said we eat so that we can do ibadah to our god. Are we really truthful to what we said? Hmmm .... let's think about it :)

OKlah. Kamal , sambung keje lagi. Ganbatte!


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