Yesterday was memorable. 6 teenagers and I went to Niah Cave.

It was raining when we arrived. 10 am plus minus. We decided to keep on going to the cave. 4.3 Kilometers of walking under the rain was not that hard as the walkway was made of fibre material which prevented us from slipping.

The view of the cave was amazing! Due to the raining outside, we can see 'waterfalls' coming from the holes from the top of the cave. It was soooo beautiful.

When we arrived to the part where no light can be seen at all, we stopped for a while and reminded of the darkness of the grave. It was really dark as we could not see our hand at all.

We all went back around 4pm. It was really tiring. All of those teenagers smiled and I can see that they were extremely happy. Most of them haven't go to Niah, even though they lived in Sarawak for 20 years!


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