This week my wife is 24 weeks pregnant already.Now her stomach is a bit round.Cute.

Yesterday we went to see baby products.My wife and I were excited.Those small clothes were very cute.

Thank you Allah for what you gave us.

Hmm ... today we will be going to Melacca, which is my wife's parents 'kampung'.This would be my first time celebrating Raya as a family man :)

Ah, there was also something interesting last night. The 'mohor besar',who always announce the date of Raya,was late announcing it.I don't know why, but it was making (at least) my family frustrated, not to mention the people at my neighbourhood. We have to wait almost 1 hour after isya' before we can start our terawih prayers. Ehe, it was the first time like this happened.


Selamat Hari Raya to all. Drive safely.


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