Dah lama tak menulis blog. Hmm.. sedar tak sedar dah dua bulan lebih kat Bintulu nih. Hari ni panas. Seminggu lepas pun rasa panas juga. PAgi tadi berjongging kat Pantai tanjung batu. Seronok lihat matahari terbit sambil bersenam di tepi pantai. Macam dalam cerita karate kid. Ehe....
I felt revived.After the long period of trial and tribulation(umm,maybe not long enough),I learned a lot.I was put to a position that most of us might encounter later on in life.
It was quite large transition between student life and staff life.The way you think would be different and the way you live also different.The load will be as well different.You won't get the feeling until you taste it first hand.
When I was a student,I thought people in the working world are too busy,therefore they are slow and it seems that they do not have much time to at least have a small chat with us.Now I understand why.
I also wondered at that time,why most of the people fell asleep when they enter the working world,even though they were wide awake in their previous life.You will know the answer after you started your life...your new life....here.
Well...how tough it is....how tough it was...alhamdulillah,I am still here...even though with some scars and bruises here an...