After the previous sad entry, a friend called. An old friend. A rival too. I least expect the person to call, so I am very suprised, but also happy. He is sending the best person to contact me first when I am down over here. Thank you Zed san.

Then He sent 2 more aussie friends to console me. Moreover they are claytonians. They are also x-monash students like me. They also still have those claytonians kinda stuff. I was really glad. He really did not forget about me. I laughed. I smiled. I ate a lot. I felt as if I was in clayton again. All those memories. Ah.. has not feel this fehlong for some time...

Well, life still go on. I am ok, I think. Got SMS from another friend in Clayton, doing his medic over there. I am fine, a zu mii ru san. Thank you for the message.

Tonight I'll be breaking fast with some friends. Friends who are already woke up.

My busbars are almost fully normalized. The relay trip has been resolved, most of it. Now it's time to start up the generators and generate and distribute some energy!


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