
Showing posts from March, 2008
Iman manusia naik dan turun. Tatkala ia naik,kita jadi sangat bersemangat.Tatkala ia turun,kita jadi sungguh lemah. Rasanya begitu lama aku melalui fasa lemah,dan kini YHY pula merasa lemah.Anak-anak buah kami seolah-olah terkesan.MFSI dan SSI kelihatan kukuh dan kuat walau apa yg melanda. Penaku dah lama tersimpan di dalam kotak. Barangkali Dia mahu melihat sejauh mana aku boleh buat untuk menghadapi zaman ini.
Today's newspaper arrives late. When I got them, the info was incomplete. Not much news about the election as well. Only couple of pages which is not normal. It was really 'Aneh'.
Yesterday was history in the making. For the first time, those people faced what they are afraid of. Last night, me, my mom and my dad slept quite late. The results of the election was not like four years ago. I slept 3 am in the morning in front of the TV, and they still could not get two thirds like they used to have. I hope the ones who has won ask forgiveness to Him, like the one mentioned in surah an-nasr. Allah reminds us that we should istighfar when we see victory in our hands. My friends SMS me mentioning it last night.