
Showing posts from May, 2003
Lama benar tak tulis blog nie. Sememangnya busy minggu ni dan minggu depan. TApi takla sampai tak makan :) ... TAdi gi BBQ member rapat aku. He he ... vehicle yang baru dibeli tu memang bermanfaat . Boleh angkut orang gi BBQ. Tadi solat Zuhur kat flagstaff garden ! BEst ! Nie la BBQ yang betul dan best, semua orang solat berjemaah selepas makan berjemaah ! Okla. KEna sambung buat keje sampai takleh pikir ... faiza faraghta fansob!
hari ni penat betul... tengah ngantuk lak nie. Tadi memang rasa tak bertenaga untuk sambung assingment. Last-last layan detective conan the movie sampai habis. Rasanya kena tido la. Esok nak sambung buat assignment lagi. Ganbatte! :)
PAgi bangun awal,tapi masih lagi ngantuk. mungkin kepenatan membuat assignment semalam. TAkleh rahat sangat dah nampaknya. Kena siapkan assignment jugak! Pagi ni nak tunjuk draf design document kat P. Russell
Hari ni penat jugak rasanya. Ada lima assignment due minggu depan. Minggu ni kena buat banyak kerja. Rasanya macam nak all out jer. He he ... jangan putus asa kamal san! Hari ni juga hujan sepanjang petang dan malam. Walaupun agak renyai tapi suhu agak sejuk. Okla. NAk tido la. Esok nak bangun awal,insya-Allah :)
Today I was all out. I have not eaten my dinner yet. Time is about 8.00pm Melbourne time. I think from today till the exam my resting time might be minimized. A lot of assignments due and I got thesis presentation in two weeks' time. I am still in the computer lab doing my stuff here . I think I'll stop after a while.... Ya Allah, help me in finishing my assignments and make me able to fulfil my duties :)
I am sleepy.... today was nice. very nice. I learned so many stuff from my friend. I learned that we should optimize our time. And alhamdulillah it seems that I am doing it. I played RO,do my design documentation and do my coding at the 'same time' and satisfied with the progress. I also chat with ilmi ... she stressed a lot .... please cheer her up and give peace to her heart, ya Allah ! Sleepy .... need to sleep. Tomorrow got to do my Thesis stuff! Oyasumi !!!!
Hari ini aku kena sakit perut. Salah makan kat M.Hall. Member-member lain yang pegi Malaysian Hall pun mengalami nasib yang sama. Ada yang pecah rekod ke toilet 5-6 kali. heh .... tapi ini adalah ujian daripada-Nya. Mengkafarahkan dosa kita ....
Malam tadi aku tido kat masjid. Sama seorang junior. Kat masjid pun ada orang lain yang tido kat situ. Dah niat nak tahajjud,tapi tak terkejut :) ... aku bangun , subuh dah masuk. Tak mengapala, lain kali boleh cuba lagi bila ada peluang. Hari ni ada ceramah. Mesti ramai yang mau pergi ke ceramah nie. Tapi aku ada soccer match kol 11.30 nie. Nampaknya dengar sikit je la. HArapnya dapat amik notes dari orang lain ^_^ Aku dah terasa amat malas untuk main RO. Rasa macam tak ada apa-apa yang boleh aku manfaatkan. Alhamdulillah, akhirnya terasa bosan dengan game ini.
I have just returned from Medic junior's study group. He he ... they are active today. Quite a lot of things been discussed. Today I discovered so many things for my thesis. Firstly I figured out how to use the interrupts for left and right receiver for my sonar. Another thing I also knew that other students who are doing robotics thesis are not making much progress. Lastly I found out that for my demonstration/presentation I need to show some working components of the robot! Waaa! I need to accelerate my thesis stuff! Tomorrow there will be a seminar about 'Cinta Remaja' organized by Kelab Dewan Malaysia. He he ... I think many people will go there!
I woke up early. Went to the mosque. Pray Subuh. Back to my room. Sleep for 1.5 Hours. Wake up. He he .... now I am refreshed!!! Last night I went to my friend's house to discuss with him about programming stuff but we stuck and decided to see our lecturer today. We went to rune-midgard and level up together. It was too lagged and hence we stopped after a while. Rune-midgard? it is in Ragnarok Online!
I was raelly hungry today. Maybe because it was too cold outside. I ate corn flakes,chip snacks and drank Big M (milk chocolate). It seems that cold wather makes me hungry. The class finished early today. I got some ideas for my ECE4705 assignment . Hmmm ... I want to start it tonight.
I think today will going to be a tiring day. I will go to uni at 9am ... and I might stay at uni till 6pm !
Yesterday I did not write any blogs. Maybe doing too many things at that time. Hmmm ... I just played RO,did my biomedical innovation assignment, did a bit of coding for my thesis. Yesterday it was raining at night. I still went to my friend's place(after the rain stops). I got some new ringtones from him.....
My family called me just now. ALhamdulillah. I am very glad te receive the phone call. Wah, Kak Shima is going to get married this thursday! Norlin is coming home tomorrow! :) Now I should continue a bit more on my assignment for biomedical engineering :)
Hmm ... I slept for 1 hour! I rushed to masjid and alhamdulillah, there area still people praying for asaR! Now I am in the computer lab , doing my biomedical assignment. My PC at home could not handle the heat ( today is pretty hot!) .....
Another thing that tick my mind. This year I always go to masjid,thanks to my room mate. Alhamdulillah, this year there is a change that I can see. Last 2 years, when I was still renting this house, I seldom go to masjid like this year. Alhamdulillah, Allah improved me by sending this new room mate. But how about my other housemate? I just pray that they also will receive hidayah/guidance too...
Yesterday I was busy.Yeah ... 'busy' . With assignments and RO. Playing RO reminds me of our life in dunia and akhirat. Well, we live in this dunia and we can only level up in dunia as well. The result of our level up will be received in the akhirat. I thought of that this morning, after my subuh prayer .....
Hari nie aku main RO lagi. Memang ralit. Tapi nasib baik main lepas siap assignment management. Hari ni aku level up kepada swordsman! Actually bukan level up, tapi job change. Ni gambar sebelum dan selepas jadi swordman: Ni sebelum jadi swordsman .... novice(orang baru) Ni gambar selepas jadi swordsman... selepas training sampai job level 9 dan selepas amik test nak jadi swordsman. Dalam game pun ada test !? :)
Hishh ... main RO lagi. Memang terlalu adddictive game nie. HAri ni dah sampai level 11. Job level 8. Bila naik job level 9 bolehla nak try jadi swordsman:) Tadi ada buat sikit assignment sebelum main. Rasanya lepas ni sambung buat assignment. Semalam beriktikaf ngan kawan kat masjid. OK gak. Tapi masih tak buat tahajjud. Muhasabah la diri ... hmmmm.... OK. Get to continue the assignment. Ganbatte!
Baru balik dari masjid. Pegi iktikaf semalam. Dah niat untuk tahajjud tapi tak dapat. Ntahla , rasa ngantuk giler pagi tu. Ragnarokonline? Ia adalah online RPG(Role Playing Game) yang membolehkan kita menjelajah dunia mid gard. Dalam game nie,kita akan memainkan peranan sebagai salah seorang watak/character biasa. Tak ada hero atau watak utama,semua yang ada dalam game ini watak biasa. Game ni memang addictive/ketagih. Dulu saya pernah main hampir 6 jam tanpa henti. Tapi bila difikirkan balik, apa yang saya dapat? Hanyalah sekadar me'level up' character yang ada :) ... level up(menaikkan taraf watak supaya menjadi lebih kuat atau hebat) memang memuaskan hati kita (sebab watak yang kita main tu semakin kuat,lebih-lebih lagi bila kita dapat skill/kemahiran baru setiap kali level up) ... tapi bila difikirkan ... sampai bila nak level up? Apa matlamat terakhir game ini :) ? Hmmmm ... satu renungan untuk saya dan sesiapa yang membaca....
Testing gambar ... Ouch! sakitnyer bila kena gigit oleh raksasa nie ^_^ waah! lama tak main RAgnarok online!
Sakit tulang belakang ... hmm .... sebab stress sangat kot. Ada management tutorial pukul 9am nie :)
Waaah .. aku membuat assignment lagi . Kali nie sampai jam 12 malam . Ngantuk juga... tapi nak siapkan jugak!
optus Datamonitor = 991Mb(0.99Gb) .... selepas 9 hari
my Pc is stable now. Alhamdulillah, after I used maxmem from analogX , the memory leaks and instability was fixed! to get maxmem .... click on : MaxMem
I went to meet my supervisor .... 9.00am Alhamdulillah, today I got the robot chassis from Prof Russell. Everything is there except screws and nuts. I need to assemble it myself . Thrilling! hehe .... He also advised me on how to use timers for pulse generation or for interrupts . Now I understand more :) ..... I went back home after the meeting. Nature calls.
har ni komputer aku meragam. Asyik crash dan restart jer. Nak buat keje pun tak boleh. Last2 , aku biarkan Pc aku ni bersendirian . Aku pegi lab komputer untuk buat assignment aku. ALhamdulillah, bila balik , komputer sihat balik. Bolehla aku sambung buat keje:) ... Ni tangah chat ngan Ilmi gak. Kesian jugak kat dia , stress nampaknyer ... apa yang boleh tenangkan hati dia ?
Alhamdulillah, last night I got the driver for the graphic card :) . I also installed norton anti virus. It made my window to load a bit slower ( due to the startup scan :)..... Last night was nice. I went to see my friends and we discussed a lot :).... Did some more programming last night because I lost my codes while sending it from the lab yesterday. I also foud some articles for my management assignment but not sure whether it is suitable or not....
A! I forgot to bring the graphic's card driver! It still can work , but not at its full potential :) Today I am going to uni at 9. Got to do some thesis work :)
Just now returned from my friend's house. He showed me his new graphic card performance. It was really fast! He sold me his old Geforce2MX 64MB to me. He said it was performing well ... at least better than mine:) Hmmm .... I think I'll continue with some programming now :) ....
Semalam nak tulis blog nie tapi server cam dah down. Tak mengapalah. Hari nie aku test SOnar untuk thesis. OKla. Dua-dua side receive signal . AKu test guna CRO. Yang aku tak faham, apasal signal tu tak macam 6 pulse tapi beribu2 pulse kecik? Hmmm.... HAri ni DAtamonitor menyatakan : 566 Mb. Tu untuk 5 hari . Hmmm .....
Pagi nie nak gi rumah member. Aku nak bawa buku ece4705 sekali (baca dalam train) :) Harapnyer lepas ni aku akan dapat buat lebih baik untuk aku punyer assignment!
hari ni gathering ok gak. ramai orang kasi feedback . walaupun pendek, aku dapat dengar macam2 feedback dari sumer orang:) .... aku terharu bila zairil citer pasal apa yang dia dapat masa kursus ilmu. Nasrul pun pegi . Khalis pun pegi . tapi sedihnyer sharil tak pegi ..... ,,, he he ( tersenyum) .... semoga kita semua mendapat hidayah-Nya ..... Esok ada kursus ilmu , dari jam 9.00 am sampai 10.00 am Ahad . He he ..... aku nak buat sikit revision ..... malam nie nak iktikaf lagi :)
Today I upgraded my millenium into XP professional. It looks nicer and it seems to be working better than millenium. Ragnarok online is available today! Zairil and I can't download it ... our cable just entered the 3gb limit! I wish we can still have netstats :) ... anyway , setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya!
from Today my internet will be limited! The 3 Gigabyte limit has started and my home already used 77 Megs! I think after this I will end up downloading from my uni :). LAst night I was relaxing soo much. Ilmi pops in and asked about my condition. He he ... after chatting for a while,I felt a bit better. This morning I went to see prof Russell. He gave one UseFul suggestion for my thesis. I should use CRO to monitor my input (the receiver for my sonar). Why I didn't think of that ... OK. I want to read a bit on the capcom(capture/compare unit) of C167 and a bit of business seminar material .... until then...